we're living for Your name!

Monday, July 30, 2007
2:47 AM

Hello! Wow I haven't used Blogger for so long now!

Anyway, just food for thought:

I once heard someone say that they found it strange that the Roman Catholics seemed to prize Jesus in his weakest postitions. As in, they always have Him pictured in the manger with Mary and Joseph by His side, and then instead of just a cross they have Jesus on the cross. So as in, baby - weak, defenceless, cross - also 'weak and defenceless'.

And I always thought it was kind of weird that they did, like yeah, Jesus is so magnificent right? Why portray Him in His weakest states?

But today when I was walking home from tuition I saw a cross with Jesus on it outside someone's house, and it struck me - maybe it's not that they are portraying Jesus in His weakest states - after all, Jesus never really was weak was He? - but that these were the greatest sacrifices that he made for us, and they use it as a constant reminder of how much He has given us!

So when He was a baby, it reminds us of two things - firstly, the miracle of how Mary gave birth to Jesus when she was still a virgin, and secondly, how He was willing to come down from Heaven to go through the torture of life to save all of us!

And when He was on the cross, it reminds us of the greatest sacrifice ever, and how the whole point on His life on earth was just to die for our sins!

I suppose that one may argue that what would be even more miraculous was the part where Jesus came back to life, but I think that it's pretty hard to put into a necklace don't you think?

Tag your thoughts! =)


Thursday, July 26, 2007
3:35 AM

one of the twenty three korean Christian volunteeers captured by an Al-Qaeda-linked group in Afghanistan has been killed.

Let us continue to pray, and pray hard! Miracles will happen. Don't lose faith, and don't give up hope. Pray that he will be at peace with God, and that the other twenty two will be saved.

God bless!

Monday, July 23, 2007
4:29 AM


no fear! God is always near! :D
you WILL get well! :D dont stress yourself out okays!

and shall we FINALLY go for church visiting? this sunday? watch me & abbyh embarrass ourselves on stage with makeup and a blinding polo! :D

xoxoxoxo, tams.

2:56 AM

when you are sick, everything seems kind of dreadful.


but whaaaaa i have so much homework uncompleted. not to mention i didnt do any homework over the weekend because i was feeling quite sick already. boo. woo is me.

i miss cell <3

Sunday, July 22, 2007
5:51 AM


:) and their pastor is cute.
their spiritual mom is cute.
their message is cool.

im quite lazy to blog. yay.

blog next time :)

sasha martin please dont be sad and bat. :)

Saturday, July 21, 2007
9:20 PM

Hide me now
Under your wings
Cover me
within your mighty hand

When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with you above the storm
Father you are king over the flood
I will be still and know you are god

Find rest my soul
In Christ alone
Know his power
In quietness and trust

I was in church yesterday and they sang this song and the words just really made me happy :)
cos even as the going gets tough, block tests, competitions, worries of the world aside
he renews me, he gives me new strength each day

we are more than conquerous in Him!
20 days and counting, I'm so proud of all of us, for sticking it out this long.
more to come, more endurance, more tests,
more blessings, more love :)

(and i typed the may 22 post tam! hahaha)

Tuesday, July 17, 2007
5:36 AM

i am really uber uber uber thankful for the school cell!

im thankful for abby heng for accompanying me in phone prayer every night, and for being a wonderful encouraging sister :D
im thankful for danni for always being so open and honest, and making us laugh :D
im thankful for amelia for sometimes making really wise and thought-provoking comments :D
im thankful for davinia for being my mommie! HAHA. she's always there and always nice and always comforting :D
im thankful for sasha for being an uber great friend, and worrying with me when i do silly stuff like forget my homework or something :D
im thankful for jchan for being always adorable & sweet & funny :D

its people like you guys that keep my faith going strong (: thank you. thank you for listening when i rant silly stuff that i do! thank you for praying. thank you for paying attention. thank you for being warriors of light. thank you for sharing all your personal stuff. thank you for encouraging one another. thank you for staying strong in the Lord. thank you for being you.

God bless, always and forever :D

No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.
Romans 8:37

i love you each & every muchos :D

the anthem

we are 7 girls who meet
to commit time to God and help each other walk in His path
we hope to bring SCGS to Christ (:

together we sing

rachel o.
sc cell junior


  • January 2007
  • March 2007
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  • June 2008

  • every land

    John 3:16
    for God so loved the world
    that He gave His only begotten Son
    that whoever believes in Him
    shall not perish, but have eternal life

    all generations

    welcome the

    Image host:photobucket
    lyrics: Majesty - Planet Shakers